
JoinLeave UI

$ 7

Display to players join/leave info in a limit of 4 elegant animated cards.

The plugin is an UI which shows to the players :

  • When a player join
  • When a player leave
  • The player who join don't see it
Each panel of the UI as an smooth and pretty animation

What can i configure ?

  • Message when a player leave and join
  • The type it should show depending on leaving or joigning
  • The color of player, The color of type, The color of message
  • If the mod should autodownload on server first start

How many players does it shows ?

It shows a max of 4 players and override the last if it did not have disapeared (configurable)


You can configure if players must have a permissions to see who join and leave (getleaveandjoin)

discord : schildev